With regard to the flatness and level requirement of TR34:2003 (Third Edition) the FM2 tolerances are
Typical floor use- Building containing wide aisle racking with stacking or racking over 8-m high, free movement areas and transfer areas.
Term and definition
Lavational difference - The distance in height between two points. The points can be fixed at prescribed distances or they can be moving pairs of points at prescribed distances apart.
Change in elevational difference - The change in the elevational difference of two moving points, at a prescribed distance apart, in response to a movement of the two points over a prescribed distance.
Datum - The level of the floor is controlled to datum (any level taken as a reference point for levelling).
Flatness - Surface regularity characteristics over a short distance, typically 300 mm.
Levelness - Surface regularity characteristics over a longer distance, typically 3 m, and to datum.