Laser Screed Concrete Flooring -Like most industries, constructing concrete floors is competitive and demanding. Owners want their floors done faster and flatter than ever before. The drive to achieve these goals fostered an eagerness among concrete contractors to push the performance envelope. Contractors have always achieved the performance push with innovative machinery. Certainly, there are many tech-tools that have arrived on scene in the past decade to make this possible: ride-on trowels, early entry saws, and Laser Screeds are just a few. It was a certainly a confluence of many new tools, admixtures, placement techniques and other industry changes that led to today's extreme productivity and quality levels. The Laser Screed may, however, stand as the most dynamic and influential of them all. Laser screening technique allows you to lay concrete floors in wider bays of any size. It dramatically reduces the time, reduce the numbers of construction joints, improves the flatness of floors. It also reduces the number of labor on the site. It eliminates the need of fixing guide rails to every four meters. Laser Screed simultaneously cuts, vibrates & levels the concrete in a single pass. All above operations are controlled by laser transmitter, receivers & computer. So manual errors are eliminated.

Using the latest Somero Copperhead XD 3.0 laser screed machinery www.somero.com we can lay and high tolerance concrete floor slab of up to 1200m2 in a single day. The tolerances achieved with this machine in free movement slabs are FM1, FM2 (special), FM2, and FM3 in accordance with the TR34 Document. DM1, Category 1, & Category 2 which are required for high bay racking, are also achieved incorporating the laser screed large pour methods in defined movement slabs.